400x400 grid, demo

The primary distribution has a "smoothing width" of 1 (Gaussian smooth), the secondary distribution has a width of 5. The grid size is 400.

The primary distribution (green=positive, red=negative):

(Needs more than 256 color display to see in full depth)

The sign. distribution of the previous one:

The domain formation at saturation:

The formed domains (red=left, green=right for example):

The secondary domain formation in an easy direction Bulk Spinflop transition. The originally left and right domains will transform to up (blue) and down domains (magenta) according to the secondary distribution:

The transformation:The secondary distribution
The final stateThe sign. distr of the secondary distr.

The final easy direction distribution is correlated to the secondary one.

The hard direction distribution is different:

The sign. distr. of the secondary distribution.
A possible 'first domain formation' with the secondary distribution.
Written by: Márton Major