On the mean-field theory of magnetic multilayers with bilinear and biquadratic Heisenberg exchange
Svetislav Lazareva, *, Mario
krinjarb, Darko Kaporb and Stanoje Stojanovi
a Higher School of Chemistry and Technology
abac Yugoslavia
b Institute of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 4 21 000 Novi Sad Yugoslavia
Received 7 April 1997. Available online 19 June 1998.
A system consisting of several layers of magnetic ions interacting by both bilinear and biquadratic Heisenberg exchange is studied within the framework of the mean-field approximation. It is shown that for S = 1 there exist two types of ordering: ferromagnetic and ferroquadrupolar. The stability of phases as the function of temperature, biquadratic exchange and surface exchange is discussed analytically and numerically and it was shown that similar to bulk samples there appear first- and second-order transitions and a tricritical point may appear depending on system parameters.
Index Terms: Magnetic materials; Ions; Ferromagnetism; Approximation theory; Phase transitions; Magnetic multilayers; Heisenberg exchange; Mean field theory