Physica B: Condensed Matter
Volume 221, Issues 1-4
2 April 1996,
Pages 366-369

Correlation between non-collinear exchange coupling and interface structure in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices
A. Schreyera, *, J. F. Anknerb, M. Schäferc, H. Zabela, C. F. Majkrzakd and P. Grünbergc
a Experimentalphysik/Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 44780 Bochum Germany
b Missouri University Research Reactor Columbia, MO 65211 USA
c Forschungszentrum Jülich 52425 Jülich Germany
d National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA
Available online 12 February 1999.
Using polarized neutron reflectometry with polarization analysis we have studied the non-collinear interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/Cr(0 0 1) superlattices as a function of growth temperature. From diffuse X-ray spectra we find that the occurrence of non-collinear spin structures is correlated with long range lateral Cr-thickness fluctuations which, in turn, depend on the growth temperature. This finding leads the way to a better understanding of the origin of non-collinear coupling in Fe/Cr(0 0 1).