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Phys. Rev. B 54, 1303013033 (1996)
[Issue 18 1 November 1996 ]
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Effects of annealing on the magnetoresistance and structure of Fe/Cr(110) superlattices
- Jose M. Colino and Ivan K. Schuller
- Physics Department 0319, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0319
- V. Korenivski and K. V. Rao
- Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden
Received 28 August 1995We have performed magnetotransport, magnetization, and structural experiments on sputtered Fe(30 Å)/Cr(12 Å) (110) superlattices that were annealed at temperatures up to 400 °C. Interestingly, their giant magnetoresistance ( Delta rho ) is enhanced at intermediate temperatures, and strongly decreased at higher temperatures. If normalized to the antiferromagnetic coupling fraction of sample, the magnetoresistance increases over the entire annealing range. From low-angle x-ray-diffraction measurements, the enhancement of Delta rho arises from an interface redistribution because of either a slight interdiffusion, less correlated interfaces, or both. Further annealing causes extreme interdiffusion that is detrimental for the magnetoresistance because of a loss of antiferromagnetic coupling.
©1996 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.54.13030
PACS: 75.70.-i
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