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Phys. Rev. B 53, 55185529 (1996)
[Issue 9 1 March 1996 ]
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Structure and magnetism of Fe/Si multilayers grown by ion-beam sputtering
- A. Chaiken, R. P. Michel, and M. A. Wall
- Materials Science and Technology Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94551
Received 10 August 1995Ion-beam sputtering has been used to prepare Fe/Si multilayers on a variety of substrates and over a wide range of temperatures. Small-angle x-ray-diffraction and transmission electron microscopy experiments show that the layers are heavily intermixed although a composition gradient is maintained. When the spacer layer is an amorphous iron silicide, the magnetic properties of the multilayers are similar to those of bulk Fe. When the spacer layer is a crystalline silicide with the B2 or DO3 structure, the multilayers show antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling like that observed in ferromagnet/paramagnet multilayers such as Fe/Cr and Co/Cu. Depending on the substrate type and the growth temperature, the multilayers grow in either the (011) or (001) texture. The occurrence of the antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling is dependent on the crystallinity of the iron and iron silicide layers, but does not seem to be strongly affected by the perfection of the layering or the orientation of the film. Since the B2- and DO3-structure FexSi1-x compounds are known to be metallic, antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/Si multilayers probably originates from the same quantum-well and Fermi surface effects as in Fe/Cr and Co/Cu multilayers.
©1996 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.53.5518
PACS: 61.10.-i, 68.65.+g, 75.50.Bb, 81.15.Cd
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