#2001.06.16 J. Appl. Phys. 74 (7), 1 October 1993, pp. 4506-4512 Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Fe(211) Seyi Yaegashi, Toshiya Kurihara, Hideo Segawa Epitaxial growth of Fe(211) was achieved at room temperature on MgO(11) with dc facing targets sputtering system. The epitaxial relation was confirmed by electron diffraction: <111> in the Fe(211) planes is parallel to [110] in the MgO(100) plane with a 6:5 coincidenr site lattice. Crystallographic and magnetic properties could be controlled by changing the rf power of substrate bias and substrate temperature. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy for Fe(211) was calculated and compared with experimental results. The film deposited at 400oC with 10 W of rf bias had small stress and showed almost theoretical behavior in a torque measurement. The difference in the in-plane anisotropy energyh between the film and bulk was attributed to the effect of uniaxial anisotropy energy.