FMR and SMOKE studies of bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling in bcc Fe/Cu, Ag/Fe trilayers. The effect of in-plane four-fold anisotropies on magnetization reversal. B. Heinrich, Z. Celinski and J.F. Cochran in Nanomagnetism ed.: A. Hernando (1993, Kluwer) pp. 33-48. Surface Magneto-Optical Effect (SMOKE) and Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) studies of the exchange coupling in bcc Fe/Cu/Fe(001) and Fe/Ag/Fe(001) structures are presented. It is shown that the interfaces in bcc Fe/Cu/Fe(001) and Fe/Ag/Fe(001) trilayers can be signifcantly imporved by choosing an apropriate growth procedure. The exchange coupling in bcc Fe/Cu/Fe and Fe/Ag/Fe trilayers was studied as a function of interlayer thickness. The intepretation of magnetization loops for Fe/Cu/Fe and Fe/Ag/Fe trilayers requires simultaneous presence of bilinear and biqadratic exchange coupling between magnetic layers. The measured values of the bilinear biquadratic exchange coupling in Fe/Cu/Fe were compared with a model recently proposed by Slonczewski, which trats the exhanger coupling in trilayers with imperfect interfaces. It is shown that the exchange coupling unobscured by interface roughness exhibits a strong short wavelength oscillatory behavior which is in agreement with recent first principles band calculations. The imporved interfaces in the Fe/Ag/Fe system revealed new features in the exchange coupling which were absent in samples grown entirely at room temperature. FMR and SMOKE measurements showed symmetric long wavelength oscillation (lambda~5 ML) in the exchange coupling. Magnetization reversal was studied in Fe/Ag/Fe/Ni trilayers. One can grow structures in which the magnetization reversal proceedsi n two steps only. A samll negative field of ~-15 Oe was needed to reverse the magnetization in the Fe film. A significantly larger field of several hundred Oe corresponds to switching the magnetization of the Fe film from parallel to the antiparallel configuration with respect to the magnetic moment of the Fe/Ni film.