JMMM 121 (1993) 326-329 On the biquadratic interlayer coupling in layered magnetic structures J. Barnas and P. Grunberg New mechanisms contributing to a biquadratic term in the phenomenological expressino for the interlayer coupling energy are proposed and analysed theoretically. One of them takes into account excange coupling not only between the two magnetic atomic planes which are adjacent to the interlayer, but also coupling between further atomic planes. The second mechanism is based on the fact that the wavefunctions corresponding to the electronic states responsible for the coupling depend on the relative orientation of the film magnetization. Both mechanisms give nonvanishing terms for ideally flat interfaces, contrary to the Slonczwewski;s (Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 3172) mechanism which works only in the presence of interface roughness (steps).