Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2304-2307 (1990) [Issue 19 - May 1990 ] [ Previous article | Next article | Issue 19 contents ] View Page Images or PDF (319 kB) Oscillations in exchange coupling and magnetoresistance in metallic superlattice structures: Co/Ru, Co/Cr, and Fe/Cr S. S. P. Parkin, N. More, and K. P. Roche IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120-6099 Received 27 November 1989 We report the discovery of antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling and enhanced saturation magnetoresistance in two new metallic superlattice systems, Co/Cr and Co/Ru. In these systems and in Fe/Cr superlattices both the magnitude of the interlayer magnetic exchange coupling and the saturation magnetoresistance are found to oscillate with the Cr or Ru spacer layer thickness with a period ranging from 12 Å in Co/Ru to ~=18-21 Å in the Fe/Cr and Co/Cr systems. ©1990 The American Physical Society URL: PACS: 75.50.Rr, 72.15.Gd, 75.70.Cn