Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1152-1155 (1990) [Issue 9 - August 1990 ] [ Previous article | Next article | Issue 9 contents ] View Page Images or PDF (335 kB) Surface phase transitions and spin-wave modes in semi-infinite magnetic superlattices with antiferromagnetic interfacial coupling J. G. LePage and R. E. Camley Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933-7150 Received 19 April 1990 We analyze the bulk and surface spin-wave modes of a semi-infinite Fe/Gd superlattice. If an externally applied magnetic field is increased from zero, one surface mode is driven soft, indicating a surface phase transition which occurs at a field value about 5 times lower than that necessary to cause a bulk phase transition. The phase transition is shown to nucleate at the surface and has a large penetration depth (on the order of a few hundred angstroms) even for fields just slightly above the value needed to induce the transition. ©1990 The American Physical Society URL: PACS: 75.30.Ds, 75.70.Fr