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Phys. Rev. B 42, 65686573 (1990)
[Issue 10 1 October 1990 ]
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Static magnetization direction under perpendicular surface anisotropy
- R. C. O’Handley and J. P. Woods
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Received 2 May 1990The problem of depth dependence of the magnetization tilt angle theta (z) is solved analytically for an exchange-coupled ferromagnet with dipole energy, applied field, and surface anisotropy Ks. For Ks <= ( pi M2A)1/2=Kc, the surface magnetization direction remains in the plane, theta s= theta (0)= pi /2. For Ks >= Kc, the magnetization vector moves out of the surface, initially with d theta s/dKs=- [infinity] , then slowly approaches theta s=0 as Ks approaches infinity. For Fe, Kc is of order 4 erg/cm2. The results indicate that a perpendicular component of magnetization at the surface relaxes to its bulk in-plane orientation over a distance that is generally much shorter than the bulk domain-wall width. The surface remanence and initial susceptibility of the surface magnetization for in-plane applied field are calculated and provide useful expressions for interpreting experimental results. The experimentally measured surface magnetization increases linearly with probe sensitivity depth.
©1990 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.42.6568
PACS: 75.30.Pd, 75.10.Hk
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