Appl. Phys. A 51, 255-263 (1990) Magnetic Anisotropies in Fe(110) films on W(110) H. J. Elmers and U. gradmann Magnetic anisotropies in epitaxial Fe(100) films on W(110) were analyzed using torsion magnetometry (TOM) in situ in UHV. Films with clean surfaces and films coated by Cu, Ag, and Au were analyzed. Out-of-plane anisotropies were determined by standard TOM methods, in-plane anisotropies from hard-axis magnetization loops. Since all anisotropies showed a clear linear dependence on reciprocal film-thickness, a straightforward separation of volume and surface type anisotropy could be performed. Volume anisotropies can be explained as a superposition of standard fourth-order magnetocrystalline and strain anisotropies, caused by residual strain of the Fe coincidence lattice on W. Surface anisotropies, both in-plane and out-of-plane, are related by Neel's model to the bulk magnetoelastic constants, to a surprisingly good approximation.