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Phys. Rev. B 39, 97269729 (1989)
[Issue 13 1 May 1989 ]
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Antiferromagnetic ordering in Co-Cu single-crystal superlattices
- A. Cebollada
- Departamento Fiiaasica Materia Condensada (C-3), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
- J. L. Martnez
- Institut Laue Langevin, Boîte Postale No. 156-X, F-38042 Grenoble CEDEX, France
- J. M. Gallego, J. J. de Miguel, and R. Miranda
- Departamento Fiiaasica Materia Condensada (C-3), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
- S. Ferrer
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Boîte Postale No. 220, F-38043 Grenoble CEDEX, France
- F. Batallán
- Departamento Fiiaasica Materia Condensada, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
- G. Fillion and J. P. Rebouillat
- Laboratoire Louis Néel, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Boîte Postale No. 166-X, F-38042 Grenoble CEDEX, France
Received 14 November 1988Cobalt-copper single-crystal superlattices were grown by epitaxy on a Cu(100) substrate with different bilayer thicknesses between 20 and 30 A-ring. Polarized and unpolarized neutron-diffraction characterization shows good structural quality and antiferromagnetic ordering of the superlattices at zero field with the magnetic moments in the film plane. Magnetization measurements are consistent with the neutron data, showing a magnetic moment very close to the saturation value of bulk cobalt (1.7µB) as well as a complex dependence on the applied magnetic field.
©1989 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.39.9726
PACS: 68.65.+g, 75.50.Rr, 75.70.Fr, 75.25.+z
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