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Rev. Mod. Phys. 60, 209283 (1988)
[Issue 1 January 1988 ]
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Spin-density-wave antiferromagnetism in chromium
- Eric Fawcett
- Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 1A7
A comprehensive account is given of the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of chromium (and where appropriate those of its dilute alloys) that relate to its antiferromagnetism. Neutron scattering is treated in great detail, first in the historical introduction, then as an experimental probe of both the magnetic structure and the excitations of the incommensurate spin-density-wave state and (with the assistance of x rays) of the concomitant charge-density wave and strain wave. Neutron scattering is considered as a tool to explore not only the disappearance of long-range order with increasing temperature through the growth of excitations as the weak first-order Néel transition is approached, but also the persistence of these spin fluctuations well into the paramagnetic stateprocesses that are still little understood. The article surveys, without mathematical details, model systems designed to reproduce the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Cr. The energy-band structure calculations are given a more comprehensive review. Special attention is paid to calculations of the wave-vector-dependent susceptibility that reproduce the observed wave vector of the spin-density wave, and to a recent finite-temperature calculation that gives almost the right Néel temperature. The review of Fermi-surface studies emphasizes those designed to relate the spin-density wave vector (and its pressure dependence) to the nesting vector of the Fermi surface. An account is given of the spectroscopic determination of the energy gap(s), whose theoretical analysis is still unclear, and of experiments aimed at determining physical properties that throw light on the origin of the weak first-order Néel transition. The article describes the use of magnetic anomalies in the elastic moduli to determine the volume dependence of the exchange interaction responsible for antiferromagnetism in Cr. The experimental features of the spin-flip transition are reviewed, although a theory of this phenomenon is wanting. The experimental study of microscopic structure by the use of hyperfine-interaction properties is surveyed. An account is given of both experimental and theoretical studies of the surface of Cr and of Cr films and sandwiches. Finally, "technical antiferromagnetism" is discussed: the effect of severe internal strain in producing a commensurate antiferromagnetic state, wave-vector Q domains, polarization S domains (for which the experimental evidence is scanty), and ultrasonic attenuation as a tool to study them.
©1988 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.60.209
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