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Phys. Rev. B 34, 47104718 (1986)
[Issue 7 October 1986 ]
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Lattice distortions and short-range magnetic order in classical magnetoelastic Heisenberg chains
- M. Marchand, A. Caillé, and R. Pépin
- Département de Physique et Centre de Recherche en Physique du Solide, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1, Canada
Received 7 April 1986Lattice distortions of a two-dimensional array of one-dimensional classical Heisenberg spin chains with magnetoelastic coupling are studied in the limit of strong interchain elastic interactions. Exact integration over the spin degrees of freedom leads to a temperature-dependent free-energy functional of the elastic variables only. The equilibrium lattice structure is obtained from the ground state of this free-energy functional and the phase diagram indicates the presence of a tricritical point. The necessity of performing the calculations at constant pressure is stressed and it is shown that a dimerized phase could be reached by applying pressure to certain magnetic materials, provided that there exist positive second-neighbor elastic interactions. The consequences of lattice distortions on the short-range magnetic order are studied by calculating the wave-number-dependent magnetic susceptibility. It is found that the dominant short-range magnetic order is of period four in the dimerized lattice phase.
©1986 The American Physical Society
PACS: 75.10.Hk
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- We should mention for the meticulous reader that, after the decomposition xj+2 -xj =vj+1 +vj, we have made the approximation sumN-1^vj=2j =^sumN-2^vj=1j =^sumN-1^vj=1j valid for N >> 1.
- This can be easily shown by minimization of H with respect to the Fourier components of the bond variables vj.
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- Here and henceforth, partial fe / partialy is symbolized by partialy fe.
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- For example, for J0 app -10 (in units of J21 /2 K1 ), A app 0.9, and J1 app 100 K/ Å, the applied pressure needed to get into the dimerized phase is estimated to be the order of 1 kbar for chains having cross sections of (10 Å )2.
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- E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics (Wiley, New York, 1970).
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