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Phys. Rev. B 32, 63636373 (1985)
[Issue 10 15 November 1985 ]
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Grazing-incidence antireflection films. III. General theory for pure nuclear reflections
- J. P. Hannon and G. T. Trammell
- Physics Department, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251
- M. Mueller, E. Gerdau, R. Rüffer, and H. Winkler
- II. Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universitat Hamburg, D-2000 Hamburg 50, Federal Republic of Germany
Received 28 January 1985Very pure coherent nuclear reflections of gamma rays can be obtained by grazing-incidence reflection from a mirror coated with a grazing-incidence antireflection film where either the mirror or one or more of the coating films are resonant. The nonresonant electronic reflection is strongly suppressed by destructive interference, while for near-resonance radiation, the index of refraction in the resonant medium is quite different from that for nonresonant radiation giving an impedance mismatch, and strong reflection occurs. Typically, it should be possible to suppress the nonresonant reflection to [approx equals] 10-410-3, while maintaining resonant reflectivities of [approx equals] 0.7 with frequency half-widths which are strongly broadened to Gamma eff?20 Gamma by the refraction-augmented ``enhancement effect.'' This paper develops the general theory for pure nuclear reflections using grazing-incidence antireflection films, and treats in detail the case of a resonant mirror coated with a nonresonant impedance-matched quarter-wave film.
©1985 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.32.6363
PACS: 78.65.-s, 76.80.+y, 42.78.Hk
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- Here delta phi is measured from the actual Bragg, which has an index of refraction shift, rather than exact geometric Bragg.
- Omitted end note.
- J. P. Hannon, J. T. Hutton, G. T. Trammell, E. Gerdau, and R. Rüffer (unpublished) (paper VI).
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