- J. T. Kohlhepp, J. K. Ha, and W. J. M. de Jonge
- Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics and COBRA Research Institute, P.O. BOX 513, 5600MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
(Received 10 August 2001; published 24 January 2002)
Polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) has been used to investigate the magnetic interlayer coupling in a MBE-grown Fe/Si/Fe(001) sandwich at room temperature and at 10 K. Both the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic moments of the Fe layers are obtained from a rigorous analysis of the PNR data. Orthogonal configurations of the Fe magnetizations were observed, providing unambiguous evidence for the presence of a biquadratic term in the exchange coupling energy. The competition between the bilinear and biquadratic exchange couplings results in distinct orthogonal and antiparallel configurations of the Fe magnetizations at room temperature. A previously unresolved magnetic configuration in the room-temperature hysteresis curve was identified by the PNR measurements as a 180° spin-flop transition. The dominant role of the biquadratic coupling at low temperatures is evident from the orthogonal configuration of the magnetizations at remanence in the measurements at T = 10 K. The magnetic configurations deduced by PNR are in good agreement with those obtained by fitting the magnetic hysteresis loops using a global energy minimum calculation.
©2002 The American Physical Society
URL: http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v65/e064440
75.25.+z, 61.12.Ha, 75.60.-d, 75.70.-i
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