Direct Experimental Study of Magnetization Reversal
Mechanisms of Nanostructured Materials
L. M. Dedukh*, V. S. Gornakov*, V. I. Nikitenko*, A. J. Shapiro**, and R. D. Shull**
* Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow oblast, 142432 Russia
** National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899
AbstractThe magnetooptical indicator film technique has made it possible to visualize spin-reorientation
phase transitions in the antiferromagnetic [Co64Ni31Cu5(2 nm)/Cu(1 nm)]200 superlattice; to find a new type of
domain structure, which is caused by the dispersion of magnetic anisotropy in the ferromagnetic Co/Ag super-
lattice; to observe the noncollinear spin arrangement that appears during the remagnetization of the ferromag-
netic Co/Cu superlattice; to discover and explain an asymmetry in the activity of remagnetization micromech-
anisms in the exchange-coupled NiO/NiFe and FeMn/NiFe bilayers; to directly determine the spin arrangement
in the exchange spring that arose in the exchange-coupled SmCo/Fe bilayer.
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