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Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 27452748 (2000)
[Issue 13 25 September 2000 ]
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Direct Measurement of Transverse Coherence Length of Hard X Rays from Interference Fringes
- V. Kohn1, I. Snigireva2, and A. Snigirev2*
- 1Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute," 123182 Moscow, Russia
- 2European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, B.P. 220, F-38043, Grenoble Cedex, France
Received 17 November 1999We propose a simple interferometric technique for hard x-ray spatial coherence characterization, recording a Fresnel interference pattern produced by a round fiber or a slit. We have derived analytical formulas that give a direct relation between a visibility of interference fringes and either the source size or the transverse coherence length. The technique is well suited to third-generation synchrotron radiation sources and was experimentally applied to determine the spatial coherence length and the source size at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.
©2000 The American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.2745
PACS: 41.60.Ap, 41.50.+h, 42.25.Kb, 61.10.Dp
* Email address:
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