conference papers Dynamics of dense, charge-stabilized with the results of the measurement of the diffusion coefficient in the suspensions of colloidal silica studied by zero density limit we determine the hydrodynamic interaction over the relevant wave-vector range free from any modeling of the static correlation spectroscopy with coherent or dynamic properties. X-rays Correlation spectroscopy determines the dynamic properties of matter by measuring the temporal correlations in the fluctuations of the intensity scattered by the sample. Correlations can be quantified via the normalized time correlation function Gerhard Grübel, = Douglas L. Abernathy, = Dirk O. Riese,> g(Q,t) = < I(Q,0) I(Q,t)> / 2 = 1 + A(Q) | f(Q,t) |2, (1) Willem L. Vos > and Gerard H. Wegdam > aESRF, BP220, 38043 Grenoble, France where I(Q,t) is the scattered intensity at wave-vector Q and the bVan der Waals-Zeeman Institute, U. Amsterdam, 1018 Amsterdam, angular brackets denote the average. A(Q) is a function depending on The Netherlands the coherence properties of the source and typical values range between 0.1 and 0.25 in the X-ray case. The function f(Q,t) denotes the normalized intermediate scattering function also known from quasielastic light or neutron scattering. The simplest functional form The dynamics of concentrated, charge-stabilized colloidal silica for a translational diffusion process is an exponential suspensions was studied over a wide range of wave-vectors. The short-time diffusion coefficient, D(Q), was measured for f(Q,t) = exp ( -D(Q) Q2 t), (2) concentrated suspensions up to their solidification points by photon correlation spectroscopy with coherent X-rays and compared to free where D(Q) is the diffusion coefficient. The exponential decay of particle diffusion D , studied by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) in temporal correlations is illustrated in Fig. 1 showing a DXS 0 the dilute case. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to measurement (open circles) of the intermediate scattering function of determine the static structure factor S(Q). D /D(Q) peaks for Q a sample of colloidal silica suspended in a mixture of glycerol/water 0 values corresponding to the maximum of the static structure factor with a refractive index of 1.42 for visible light, making the sample showing that the mostly likely density fluctuations decay the slowest. opaque to the eye. The result of a DLS measurement from the same The data allow one to estimate the diffusion coefficient D(Q) in the sample is shown for comparison. The DLS intermediate scattering Q 0 and Q limits. Thus, hydrodynamic functions can be function (closed squares) relaxes faster as a result of multiple derived free from any modeling of the static or dynamic properties. scattering since the light wave scatters from more than one moving The effects of hydrodynamic interactions on the diffusion coefficient particle. It hence suffers a larger phase shift and the correlation is lost in charge-stabilized suspensions are presented for volume fractions faster than for single scattering. Although the characteristic square 0.075 < < 0.28. root dependence of f(Q,t) on time, known from diffusive wave spectroscopy (Pine et al., 1990), is not yet observed one readily realizes that the correlation time is already affected. The DXS data 1. Introduction are not subject to multiple scattering effects since the refractive index Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) with visible coherent light from a for X-rays is always very close to one. DLS and DXS results are laser source is a well established technique to investigate the identical in the absence of multiple scattering in perfectly index- dynamic properties of colloidal suspensions (Pusey, 1989). DLS, also matched samples. A detailed discussion of multiple scattering effects known as photon correlation spectroscopy, is based on a very will be given in a forthcoming paper (Riese et al., 2000). prominent feature, occuring whenever coherent light is scattered from a random medium. There are strong spatial modulations of the scattered intensity, called a speckle pattern, resulting from the summing of the randomly phased electric fields from the individual scatterers in the medium. If the spatial arrangement of scatterers changes in time the corresponding speckle pattern will also change and a measurement of the intensity fluctuations at a point in the far field can reveal the dynamics of the system. Photon correlation spec- troscopy in the visible is however subject to two main limitations : (i) the occurence of multiple scattering in opaque systems (e.g. concen- trated colloidal suspension) considerably complicates the interpreta- tion of the experiments, (ii) the use of visible light prevents the dynamics to be traced on length scales smaller than about 2000 Å. Both limitations can be surmounted by correlation spectroscopy with coherent X-rays (DXS) provided by a synchrotron source. DXS is a novel technique that only recently has started to be applied to colloi- dal systems (Dierker et al., 1995; Thurn-Albrecht et al., 1996; Tsui & Figure 1 Mochrie, 1998) including free particle diffusion in a dilute suspen- Intermediate scattering functions f(Q,t) measured by DXS (open circles) and sion of colloidal silica (Grübel et al., 1999). We have studied the DLS (closed squares) at Q=0.0009 Å-1 in an optically opaque sample of static and dynamic properties of dense, charge-stabilized colloidal colloidal silica (1820Å radius) suspended with a volume fraction of =0.09 silica suspensions by scattering with coherent X-rays. Combined in a glycerol/water solvent. 424 # 2000 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Great Britain ± all rights reserved J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 424±427 conference papers In the dilute case ( << 1) the colloidal particles migrate driven by Table 1 the thermal fluctuations of the solvent, with a diffusion coefficient Summary of quantities obtained from static SAXS characterization. given by the Stokes-Einstein relation, Volume Average Size Location of first D(Q) = D = kT / 6 R , (3) Fraction radius polydispersity S(Q) peak 0 h R[Å] R/R Q R o 0.075 561 0.017 2.41 where D is the (free particle) diffusion coefficient, k is the 0 0.15 555 0.035 2.47 Boltzmann constant, T the temperature, the viscosity of the solvent 0.28 481 0.150 2.79 and R the hydrodynamic radius of the diffusing particle. h with size . A partially coherent X-ray beam was selected by placing At larger concentrations, interparticle interactions as well as a d=20 µm collimating pinhole aperture 0.8m downstream of the indirect, hydrodynamic interactions, mediated by the solvent become mirror. The longitudinal coherence length = ( / ) = 1µm was important. Then, the short-time (t3.5. It is smaller than the free particle diffusion coefficient (D( ) S(Q) 0 New York: Academic Press. indicating that hydrodynamic interactions are relevant for the Hayter, J.B. & Penfold, J. (1981). Mol. Phys. 42, 109-118. investigated system. Nägele, G., Kellerbauer, O., Krause, R. & Klein, R. (1993). Phys. Hydrodynamic interactions have been quantified by calculating Rev. E. 47, 2562-2574. the ratio between D /D(Q) and S(Q) and the results are shown in Fig. 0 Phalakornkul, J.K., Gast, A.P., Pecora, R., Nägele, G., Ferrante, A., 4. The H(Q) functions are reminiscent of the hydrodynamic functions Mandl-Steininger, B., & Klein, R. (1996). Phys. Rev. E. 54, 661- calculated by Beenakker and Mazur (1984) for hard spheres. We find 675. that H(Q) < 1 for all samples and decreasing with increasing volume Philipse, A.P. & Vrij, A. (1988). J. Chem. Phys. 88, 6459-6470. concentration. This is intuitively expected if hydrodynamic interac- Pine, D.J., Weitz, D.A., Maret, G., Wolf, P.E., Herbolzheimer, E. & tions are regarded as additional "friction" further slowing down the and Chaikin, P.M. (1990). Scattering and Localization of dynamics. The observed behaviour however clearly differs from Classical Waves in Random Media, edited by P. Sheng, pp. 312- earlier DLS work in moderately concentrated ( <0.1), charge-stabi- 372. Singapore: World Scientific. lized silica (Philipse & Vrij, 1988; Phalakornkul et al., 1996), where Pusey , P.N. (1989). Liquids, Freezing and Glass Transition, edited the peaks in the hydrodynamic functions were reported to increase by J.P. Hansen, D. Levesque and J. Zinn-Justin, Les Houches, with concentration to values even above one. The shape of the func- Session L1, pp. 763-941. Amsterdam:Elsevier. tions in Fig. 4 appears asymmetric and skewed towards the high-Q Riese, D.O.,Vos, W.L., Wegdam, G.H., Poelwijk, F.J., Abernathy, side. This would indicate, as expected, that the long wavelength D.L. & Grübel, G. (2000). Phys. Rev. E. 61, in print. modes (Q < Q ) are damped stronger than the short wavelength ones. Thurn-Albrecht, T., Steffen, W., Patkowski, A., Meier, G., Fischer, 0 A further quantitative analysis will require input from a theory E.W., Grübel, G. & Abernathy, D.L. (1996). Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, addressing the hydrodynamic behaviour of a charge stabilized system 5437-5440. at elevated concentrations. The experiment described here establishes Tsui, O.K.C. & Mochrie, S.G.J. (1998). Phys. Rev. E. 57, 2030-2034. J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 424±427 Received 17 May 1999 Accepted 20 October 1999 427